Sunday, November 22, 2015


    With the insanity of the ISIS attacks around the world and the poisonous rhetoric I'm hearing in America crowding out many of my other thoughts, here's my view in brief.
1. To refuse to help the very people who are suffering under the persecution of the organization that we have a direct hand in creating, is unconscionable. Many of the ISIS leaders are former Sunni military officers that we displaced in our invasion of Iraq. We can argue about who did too much or too little, but that it is OUR DOING is an unarguable fact. And without ISIS, Syria would be having a civil war. We've done that ourselves. In my opinion, both sides are wrong, leaving the more peaceful and vulnerable running for their lives.
2. To condemn all of Islam because of the actions of the violent extremists (call them ISLAMIC if it's important to you) is just as ignorant as condemning any other religion for theirs. Maybe, it's time to condemn Religious Literalists altogether. After all, religion is supposed to be a pathway to God or whatever word you care to chose for it. The vast majority who identify with ANY religion haven't even read their Religious manual in its entirety. How about you? The various believers are in it to make some kind of sense of this crazy life and get a little comfort, rather than dominate the world.
If you really look at it, your religion is pretty much an accident of your place of birth. If you were born in the Middle East or Asia or Africa, rather than America or vice versa, you'd likely have a different belief system and you probably wouldn't be much different other than your culture. We're all just people or, as I like to think... Spirit land-rovers. And that brings me to...
3. If this world is ever going to get any better, we all need to start thinking about the source of all those religions and the reason we get involved with them... our desire for LOVE. Stop the dividing and condemning and hating and start seeking solutions and living out the love that this world is going to need to change.

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