Monday, March 25, 2019

Socialism Isn't What Many People Think


We need to talk about SOCIALISM.. not because it's something we should be worrying about, but because it's something we're going to be hearing A LOT about.. AND we should understand what IT IS.. and ISN'T.

First thing... SURPRISE!! I agree with Donald Trump.. that the U.S. will never be socialist. We will be.. in fact.. ARE a Democratic Socialist country. Now, before you get too excited.. or outraged, let me explain. Actually, that's what this post is all about anyway, right?

So, here we go..
The only truly socialist countries are those whose government owns and runs all industry. No one wants that in the U.S.... not a single candidate from any party wants that.. except maybe, one from the American Socialist Party. Wait.. Is that even a thing? I surely haven't heard of it. Have you?
That's kind of my first point. We don't have to worry about it because there just isn't anyone around who wants it.. not even those uber-liberal, progressives.. like me. 😉

So, all that was just to get to this.. 
Some American Conservatives (it's quite alright if you ARE one, I get it) are going to try to paint many of the Progressive candidates as Socialists... one, very much in particular... Bernie Sanders...aka MY GUY. 😜
Bernie is NOT a SOCIALIST. He's a self-described Democratic Socialist. Even that can't be left as is because very few people have identical understanding of what that means. Let Bernie explain it... “When I use the word socialist–and I know some people aren’t comfortable about it—I’m saying that it is imperative,that we create a government that works for all and not just the few.” He goes on to say... “I don’t believe government should own the means of production, but I do believe that the middle class and the working families who produce the wealth of America deserve a fair deal,” 
Now, if you heard that as I do, you may be beginning to understand. While our country has traditionally looked out for business, Bernie would like to look out for the working class.. people like me.. and if you're reading this, like you.

You know me.. or someone like me. I'm retired.. on a fixed income.. in the lower end of today's middle class. I may even be in the lower class and blissfully unaware of the fact. 😊
Anyway, I paid over $2,000 on my limited income this year. Guess who paid less than me... guess who paid NOTHING.. NADA.. ZERO??? I know you know... AMAZON FREAKING DOT COM!!! Is that incredible?? Or what??? And here's something else... Amazon is actually getting a $129 million tax rebate after making a profit of $11.2 billion... and again.. I paid over $2,000. Shut.. The.. Front.. Door...
And Amazon isn't the only one. These 18 Fortune 500 companies paid ZERO in taxes from 2008 through 2015. Pepco Holdings, PG&E Corp. , Wisconsin Energy, NiSource, International Paper, First Energy,, Amos Energy, General Electric, American Electric Power, Ryder System, Duke Energy, NextEra Energy, Xcel Energy, Ameren, CMS Energy, Sempra Energy and Eversource Energy.

I hope I've made my point, friends.. While the entrepreneurs who drive innovation deserve to be rewarded, they need to pay their fair share of taxes. So back to Bernie. He simply sees, as I do, that the little guy.. the average guy.. the working guy.. nearly every guy and gal that are reading this should be considered, too.

So now, let's talk about Democratic Socialism and how it fits with the good ole USA.
Put simply, we already enjoy it. In fact, our democratic socialist programs not only hold this country together, but they are some of the most popular programs we have. Socialist programs are easily defined as any program that we pay together to provide a service for us all. Think of Social Security, Disability and Medicare. These programs, alone, have changed the lives of millions of aging and disabled Americans. Other programs that we overlook because they are such a part of American life are our Police and Fire Departments, our Public Education, our Highway System, Municipal Water and Sewage Systems, even our government, itself. Anything we jointly pay for through taxes or fees is a socialist program. I hope you're beginning to see there's nothing to fear.
And speaking to that fear. The more conservative folks around us are leery of big change and this is what I'm saying.. it is not a big change at all, as I explained above. We already use it and like it.

One final point... I think the major stumbling block for those who have an aversion to Democratic Socialism is the idea that all men are created equal and we all have equal opportunity to succeed in America.

Let me make a point.. We are NOT created equal. Some are born wealthy, some poor. Consequently.. some are born with unlimited opportunity, some are born with nearly none. Some are born with high IQ's, some are born mentally challenged (and everywhere along that linear scale). Some are born with innate skills, whether mechanical, athleticism, art in all its forms, communication, leadership, etc, some are born with little.

What Democratic Socialism is about is FAIRNESS... providing that equal opportunity for us all. If you honestly think about it, that is good for us all. By helping one another, especially those who need it the most, we help ourselves and our country. There's everything to gain and nothing to lose.