Saturday, June 25, 2011

Time on my hands... I like it.

I climbed off the boat for the last time June 13th. I will officially be retired on the 28th. I see now it will take awhile for me to get in the rhythm of retirement. Occasionally, I get a flash of the reality and I can almost watch the big smile rising to the surface from the depths of my soul. Really.
I'm having to make an effort to pace myself. I'm so used to being under pressure to get something done before I have to get back on the boat that I still find myself hurrying. I..... have..... the..... rest..... of..... my..... life..... .
I am now spending more time with my thoughts and maybe accomplishing the most important thing of all - digging deeper into my soul. I'm not sure how working was preventing that. I take that back, I DO know. I no longer enjoyed my job. It was in the way of my happiness. It had become a have to rather than a want to. Now, I only have want to's.
So, here I am writing this just because I can. Life is good and only getting better...